
Weekend Update 9/24/23

A trip to Chicago, the only 3 pants you “need” and an interview with the Color Guru

You can access the entire weekly email HERE or see below for highlights.

If you aren’t already, be sure to follow me on Instagram @b.styled, Facebook, and in the free, private #justgetdressed VIP’s Facebook Group.

TIPSY TUESDAY:  Talking PANTS and getting them right

I always say pants are the hardest, and the most important. So, when building your wardrobe, it’s the best place to start.

See items mentioned here.


Also, the FALL Style Program is NOW OPEN for sign-up!  Make sure you sign up .


…including my interview with the Color Guru.

Get your colors – including options for hair and make-up too and take 10% off with code bstyled. Click HERE.

Thanks for being here.

Now, go get some stuff done, do something fun, and #justgetdressed.

xo, Beth